Most of us live nowhere near where our food comes from. which means that the food that we have access to is dictated by conderations like does it travel well, and does it have a long shelf life. Our supply chains also lead to sprawling monocrops, pesticide overuse, and agricultural runoff, as well as biodiversity loss, and a range of other problems. But this might all change in the near future with vertical farming.
In this episode of the Podcast I speak with Dr. Vivian Correa Galvis about the future of Vertical Farming. Vivian is a Crow Quality Team Lead at Infarm, which is one of the worlds largest vertical agricultural company. The idea we discuss is simple but dramatic. We might one day be able to return vast amounts of land to nature by bringing crops back into the cities and stacking them vertically in controlled environments. The benefit of controlled environments is the ability to decide on the cultivars that we want to grow, and we can also control runoff and water usage. There are even ways of controlling how fast plants grow, their size, shape, nutrition value, flavor, and colour without altering their genetics.
►Watch on YouTube:
►For more information about Vivian:
►For more information about Infarm:
►Note, that this episode is not a paid advertisement for infarm. Infarm, however, very kindly allowed me to visit their premises in Berlin for this interview.
These conversations are supported by the Andrea von Braun foundation (, as an exploration of the rich, exciting, connected, scientifically literate, and (most importantly) sustainable future of humanity. The views expressed in these episodes are my own and those of my guests. This episode covers sustainable resource use in agriculture.