Speaker 3
still so much more to talk about with climate and fashion and also colonialism. Yes. And we're going
Speaker 1
to get to that after the break. Speaking of consumption, we need to run an ad. Yes. Yes.
Speaker 2
Hot take is brought to you by Cozy Earth. I have a weird sheet addiction.
Speaker 1
Mary. Yeah, we are. It's weird.
Speaker 2
I love I love sheets and I particularly love super soft sheets and I particularly love cozy earth sheets because I don't have to feel guilty about how much I love them.
Speaker 3
She loves soft sheets and she cannot lie.
Speaker 1
It's true. It's true. They're
Speaker 2
made using the finest premium viscose from highly sustainable bamboo. The the bedding is naturally temperature regulating, which is great for me because I'm a sweaty sleeper. Sorry. Bad image in everyone's head now.
Speaker 3
Well, you know how I feel about sweat. I feel like it's natural and you know, it's true. It is natural. It
Speaker 2
is. Yeah. So yeah, I mean, this is their sheets are amazing. They have a lounge work collection. It's also made out of the same super, super soft bamboo viscose. I love it. All of this stuff is great for a holiday gift. If you are looking for something for someone, I mean, honestly, any human being who doesn't like soft fabric, cozy earth is the brand that made Oprah's favorite things five
Speaker 2
row. Holy moly. That's amazing. That's very good. Yeah. Their luxurious lounge work collection includes soft and stylish bamboo pajamas, joggers, teas and more plus every cozy earth bedding item comes in a beautiful reusable canvas bag. I totally use these bags. They're great. It's like getting two things for the price of one, no gift wrapping required. And you get a little extra gift with your sheets. You hot take listeners can save 40 40 40 percent now on cozy earth. Hurry. This holiday offer is going to end soon. You've got to get it now. Go to cozy earth.com hot and be sure to enter hot at checkout to save 40 percent. That's cozy earth.com slash hot cozy earth.com slash hot. Hot take is brought to you by aspiration. Mary, we have talked about this before, but I feel like I can't say it enough times. Most people are keeping their money in banks that are using that money to fund fossil fuel projects. Not cool. I
Speaker 3
know. And the most like the. Yeah, things like the Dakota access, access pipeline, all of those sorts of projects.
Speaker 2
Yep. Yeah, exactly. If you have your bank in most standard bank accounts, then you are unwittingly maybe funding fossil fuel projects. So one thing you can do is just moving your money to aspiration to give your deposits a cleaner, greener home aspiration is a climate friendly alternative for your money. You can get an account and debit card that's built to help your wallet and the planet aspiration lets you plant a tree by rounding up every swipe of your debit card. But equally, if not more important, they're
Speaker 1
not spending your money on
Speaker 3
pipelines, guys. It's kind of important. Yeah, it's kind of important.
Speaker 1
Also, there is no credit check, no
Speaker 2
overdraft fees and with aspiration, you just pay what you think is fair, even if that's zero, because money should not stand in the way of you doing the right thing. Make your dollars make a difference. Open an aspiration account at aspiration.com slash tree. Help save the planet with your aspiration debit card. Open your account at aspiration.com slash tree today. That's aspiration.com slash tree. Terms and conditions apply. Aspiration is not a bank deposits are FDIC insured up to $2 million per deposit or.
Speaker 3
Okay, so, Ajha,
Speaker 2
we want to talk about your book, which is fantastic. It's called Consumed and it looks at the connection between supply chains created by multinational fashion corporations and the colonial empires that preceded them.
Speaker 1
We love it. It looks at lots
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more, but that was one key
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like we know that there is, there are all of these huge direct connections between how people look at climate as being a problem that's too big to solve and how people look at the fashion industry as one that's too
Speaker 2
This is something that we hear about all of the aspects of climate all the time, right? The same, you're the same thing about energy, the system's too big and it's too broken. So, when people are looking at the fashion industry, you talk about and consume that the system is actually, it's working as designed, right? So, let's have you talk a little bit more about that. How was this set up? How did we know that we were probably going to end up here 100 years
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ago? Yeah, so, I mean, if you look at chattel slavery and colonialism in the east, those were all like the building blocks of what the system is today.