Speaker 1
Does that mean that the guards that are down would have to make deck saves too, if you put him right there? So ave you put him there, likely. That's ok. They woi meanthey're parly half e double sixes, they both fail. So go ahead and row damage on that. Oh, what a dumb roll. Three, three, three points of damage. Three points of fire damage in each of them. As mister just suddenly vanishes from your shoulder an burst into flame into the other room with a bright light. It cind of blinds you. Momentarily, chetney, as you watch the flaming mister and the two shade creepers cann withdraw. The two guards on the ground begin to writhe as they turn. They're not dead. They wathers certainly closer. Wilbe said, ha ha, ha, ha, ha. I see that. My i'm so sorry. Im, that's bonus action. And then, as a bonus action, i s aorn a at your action. Tus hav, my action. Ye, a bonus action. I'm going to produce a flame blade from my hand and have that prepared, and i'm just going a look at f c g, describe how you create the flame blade. So i just kind of fling out my hand, and t js, very slowly starts to come out of my hand. Io, i'm waiting, but i are youosit. Seem like you just the one. T lots of people. The one that's docile, that's right in front of you, kind just looks over at you, up at you, looks over and sees mister appear and burn his friends. A, im, sorry. One that didn't ssosyou som o, you saidnd, you saw off to use your action to attack exter, correct. But the one that didn't see it, which is over by the wall, is still kind o jus standing there, going. But definitly one of them broke from that, ok, but that your turn, iiter, right. So at the end of this round, you all have come through the hallway, and you glance down one side and over the other, and you hear commotion, and you see. Suddenly, you do actually, because you have the superhive fut and crazy passive perception all you can just hear noises, e' not quit sure wat's happening.