This season of The ChickPeeps is brought to you by our friends at Vivo Life! Use our code 'chickpeeps10' to get 10% off your order at
Happy holidays! In this episode, our annual Christmas meet-up, The ChickPeeps are here to add some moral support and laughter to your holiday season. The holidays can be challenging for vegans so in this episode the hosts tackle some holiday-related listener questions and play an exuberant round of ‘Vegan Troll in the Dungeon’.
While you’re listening, please take a moment to check out the link to our sponsor. Not only are Vivo Life a great, vegan company, but their support also allows us to continue to produce The ChickPeeps for you! We love them and their products and we think you will too.
Also in this episode…
- The team share their go-to Christmas dinner favourites.
- Momo and Robbie have a debate about the popular Scandinavian cartoon The Moomins: Adorable or Creepy AF?
- Our foursome talk tactics for how to treat non-vegan gifts over the holidays without offending the gift-giver.
- The hosts each choose a Harry Potter character to invite to the Yule Ball.
- Drew, asks the gang’s advice on how to navigate his veganism in the school where he teaches. It prompts some thought-provoking discussion.
- Sophia, one of our youngest listeners, asks a question about how to be an activist when adults and friends don’t respect your cause.
- Evanna issues a formal apology for abusing her first troll in last month’s Ask the ChickPeeps episode - does Farmer Giles accept?
- Evanna also attempts an Australian accent to confront Robbie with a real-life ChickPeeps-hater Troll - do not miss!
Recipes mentioned in the episode; Deliciously Ella's Chocolate Orange Truffles, Wicked Healthy Herb Crusted Butternut Squash, Happy Pear Wellington
Watch Dominion movie (trigger warning; this is not for the faint of heart and probably not a good way to introduce non-vegans to the horrors of animal agriculture, but it is a powerful, accurate and unflinching look at the way our society exploits animals)
PETA’s Humane Education Division TeachKind
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