Mo and I worked together and he applied many of the things I talk about on this YouTube channel very successfully. His journey to a very lean physique was a big success not just in terms of improving his body-comp, but also in terms of gaining useful life-hacks that he will be able to rely on in the future in his pursuits of staying lean!
0:00 - how/when we began working together with Mo
1:26 - What different methods you tried before for getting lean
9:26 - The approaches that many of us try for getting lean (fasting, keto, etc)
16:11 - The satiety index of your diet and why its important, and why a big food list is not required
18:30 - Rebounding after a diet to some extent
28:28 - Transitioning out of a diet - it's a skill to get good at over time
36:36 - Training frequency and full body routines, and why I recommend them
40:47 - The need for switching up your training split from time to time - is there such a need?
Coaching and consultations:
insta: @ssd.abel