Donald Stewart is a former NCAA D1 football player at both Stanford University and Wake Forest University. He is also an HBO actor, published children’s book author and mentor to high school athletes.
His dedication to sports was initially fueled by his desire to avoid doing household chores. His success inspired his community to embrace him and his brother who was born with a facial malformation. As such, his confidence grew in knowing his efforts could impact his future but also those he loved by being the star. While he became super confident, he was not super prepared for the transition to Stanford University where he would be surrounded by the brightest and most talented athletes, students, and future leaders.
In his junior year, a significant injury requiring surgery caused him to hit his rock bottom. In trying to figure out how to be happy, he chose to invest in his mind, body and spirit while exploring his passion for music and theatre.
As a mentor for high school athletes, Donald uses his experience to connect and help them figure out passions outside of sport by tapping into what motivates and inspires them within their sport.