Speaker 1
I don't want it to be a safe little cuddle for you not to be relentless because what I wanna lead the way on is you being a great entrepreneur. So what you're going to have to be if you decide I want to be an entrepreneur, which is some of you became coaches and you didn't realize you were deciding to become an entrepreneur. If you have decided to become an entrepreneur because you're a coach and you want to make money for profit, if you've decided that, then what you've also decided without realizing it is I've decided to become a risk taker. And not all of you have rationalized that yet resolved that. What? I have decided to become a risk taker. So if I want you to be a really good risk taker, a really good risk taker calculates the risk. Hear me. I'm going to say it again. A really good entrepreneur calculates the risk and accounts for what's in their power, how they are going to solve for that risk. That is actually what makes a really good entrepreneur. And then one of the last things that helped me make this decision came from my data study. So I've been having this thought, I'm working with two different coaches on my leadership right now. And one of the thoughts I've had is I have to define where I'm the type of leader in my philosophy as a leader for my next level of growth. And where I lead me, I lead you, which means where I lead us all. Where I lead me is where I lead you, where I lead us all. And where I am leading is my next level of precision. The data study opened my eyes to the importance of it. If you haven't listened to that episode, it proved what I knew to be true. Obviously I'm in my programs. I see the people making money. I see the results. I see all of the amazing things. And I know the results I've gotten. But for me, the data study, I said this was not about me. It was about all of us because it proves that coaching works. It's so tangible. And so what I know to be true, I've also said I'm going to do a 2K for 2K data study. And I'm going to keep studying my higher level masterminds and data matters to me now because I see the power of it. It's a concrete measurable result of doing this work. So it also helps every other person that comes in contact with me believe in coaching more. The coaching they can get for themselves, the coaching they're going to sell to other people and the more people who believe in the tangibleness of coaching, the more people are going to get coached, which is really my mission is helping millions of people get coached by helping coaches learn how to sell to them better and help them get better results. So precision has always mattered to me. It will always matter to me. And I'm going into my next level of it. And here's what I know. One person not showing up can drastically skew my results. I'm going to give you a tangible example of this. We did the data study and I talked about this already on the data study. So I asked my CTO who ran the study of the students who came in and had made $25,000 in the last 12 months, what percent of those people made 25K in six months? Effectively, growing their revenue 100% in six months and 200% if you annualized it. And the answer was 70%. And then I said, okay, so of the 30% who did not make 25K in six months, what's the percent of them that still increase their revenue by 50% or more. Because we also had people who we let in at say 18k or 20k because we knew they were close. They're in 2k for 2k. I just know them and I know they're showing up and I believe in them and I'm like, I think you can do it. So how many of those people did I let in? They may have even grown 100% but didn't make 25k because they would have had to have grown like 150% or whatever it was to make 25K in six months. So I said, how many of those people still increase their revenue by 50% or more? And one person, one person of the 30% had an increase of 49%. And if that person had had a 50% increase, so just a 1% more increase, our number would have been 50% of the 30% of the people who didn't make 25K still grew their income by 50%. I know that that may seem really nitty gritty for you, but precision to me matters. How awesome would it have been? I think the number was actually then like of the 30% who didn't make 25K. I said it on the Data Study Podcast, but I think it was 41%. So when I asked the question of the 30% who didn't make 25K in a six month period, which would have been 100% of their revenue, how many of them increased their revenue by 50% or more in six months? the answer was 41%. So if one person had increased their revenue just 1% more, that number would have gone from 41% to 50%. And now I'm going to tell you the thing. Are you ready? I remember I used to do these make your money back calls, like eight weeks out. If people hadn't made their 25K, eight weeks, just that group would come on private calls with me every week until they made their money back. And then we would do it as a group. So once someone made their money back, I would ask them to peer coach the other people and tell them how they did it, while I'm also coaching those people. And we're like, no one left behind. And I coached someone who I could tell she just didn't have any energy or life towards making 25K, I could just tell. And so I asked her, I said, tell me if you weren't getting your 25K back, if you knew that you weren't getting it back and this was all on you and you were going to be out $25,000, if you didn't make the $25,000, what would be different about this conversation right now? What would be different about how you would be showing up? And she said something along the lines of, I don't know because I am getting my money back. I'm not actually in that situation. And my brain wanted to explode. It didn't. I re-centered myself and got back to holding the space. But to be honest, as much as I love all of you, I don't want people like that in my programs. You skew my results. Said with so much love. Seriously, said with so much love, but like one person, not growing one percent, because I created the circumstance, I will take responsibility for that. I created the circumstance where it would be possible to not show up and give it your all and be relentless. I did that. That's on me.