Embarking on a journey of self-discovery and resilience has resulted in John Fritz niching down to focus entirely on probate law. The decision came after realizing the importance of specializing in one area. It's reduced stress and allows for scalable growth.
Sometimes, it's about focusing your energy in one direction to truly make an impact.
John has consistently looked for ways to optimize and enhance efficiency in his law firm. And while he’s encountered all the trials and errors from building out his own systems, he has succeeded in streamlining his operations. Adopting a “never-give-up” mindset has resulted in innovative systems and processes.
Embrace the problem-solving spirit and become hyper efficient. Listen in on this episode where Jim and Tyson interview John all about his story.
02:07 Meet John Fritz
05:43 The passion for creating efficient systems and processes
10:36 Narrowing down your law firm's focus
19:01 Using automation tools to save time and streamline document processes
Jim’s Hack: Spend some time this week thinking and planning your marketing around, NOT your direct consumer but the people who know those people.
John’s Tip: Make a list of all the documents that you are creating from scratch in any given case, whether it's letters to clients, or forms you're filling out … make a master list of all the documents in that case and then see what data is going into each document. Can you consider adding some sort of document automation system onto these documents so it can spread the data across all your documents.
Tyson’s Tips: Try the Wonder Woman pose (called the Power Pose) to get motivated, reduce cortisol and increase testosterone.
🎥 Watch the full video on YouTube here.
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