This is part one of a deeply personal three-part series about Alexa and Jordan's son, Gabriel Vincent. The couple shares their recent pregnancy journey, marked by challenges, including the loss of Jordan's pitbull, Biggie, during a month-long trip to Mexico where they hosted a retreat. They delve into their coping mechanisms during this time of grief and the invaluable lessons Jordan extracted from the experience. As the episode progresses, they candidly discuss the results of their son’s screenings and diagnostic tests. Throughout this emotional rollercoaster, one thing stands firm—the invaluable support of their close-knit community.
Today on That Sex Chick:
- Navigating the challenges of their pregnancy journey
- The emotional impact of losing Jordan's pitbull, Biggie
- Down syndrome: Acceptance and vulnerability
- The crucial role of having a supportive community
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This show is produced by Soulfire Productions