Speaker 2
And we find someone who can drive this eaof that id. That's, that's great too. This community base concept, coach, is, is this something that you've evolved, or have you adopted it, or adopted it from other places, or somewhere we can find more information about it.
Speaker 1
Honestly, i'll tll you right now, chris, i'm in the process of writing a book about le wit. Slow to come because obviously the season is busy. But it's really, you know, i got into coaching in a very different way. You know, i became, for those who don't know my story, you know, i had retired from basketball, and, um, just heavily involved in the community, and i was really just in the business woam, especially in the non profit sector. And, and then i got into the leadership, traning in those types of things. Just from being in the non profit sector. I i sat on, at one point, i was on six different boarder directors, including my own. I started two non profits in the community. I started, i helped establish another initiative in the community as well. And its for me, it was just about community. And i understood quickly that number one, when you're in the non profet sector, the first and foremost thing you'd better learn is you better have your vision and mission correct. Because i'm not asking, i'm not giving anything anyone anything in return. I'm not financially helping you. Only thing i'm doing as i'm asking for your resources, and your resources for non profit or is your money or your time. I need you to help support our mission by donating financially, or help support our mission by donating your time, to help us establish something greater than ourselves. And through that, i also learn that that the second thing is a collaborative efforts in the community can move things along so much faster. And i learned what duplication of efforts, how it hurts the community, because now the disbursement of the resources is basely lessening the impact. So i took all those things and i just cind of put in my philosophy of what how i did as a coach when i had the oportunityy coach. So i got intho coaching only because i was reached out to by some prominent members of our community and said, hey, if you run for politics, we're going to support you. Iso will shoot. If i woing to do that, let me get into coaching at th e universe arizona. I need to finish my bachelor's degree, number one. But also, my name, tions moy all go off the roof. Anyone who knows tuson and knows tuson, arizona baskball is the business ind tuson. So if i get back and ball with that team, when i do get into politics, when i run the race, i think the name recognition alone, which most politics, it works, is going to win me the election. Ah, and i was working specificaly quite a leb tarzoski at the time. For those i know don't know caleb, he's playing in milan. Now. I love the guy to death, like i love that guy. And we have been working on the move over and over and over again. And we're in a pre season game, and he made that move, and they run down the court to the other end. As i'm watch run down the court, the whole bench turns and looks at me and says, jb, as you i got goose bumps. And i was like, forget that political stuff. I'm coaching. I love this. Just haven't that impact on someone and seen it change their life and changed the way they saw things, and breathedin that confidence into em. And i was all about coaching at that point, and im but i took everything i learned in the community, the's seven years of me building unity in tucson, and i put it into coaching. How can i make people feel loved and valued and help them? And i was doing, i ner, i was doing non profit and solging at the time. I was meeting with any non profit i could to try to help them reinforce their their mission, reinforce their visionandt help them build up their capacity as well. And really that intha hatwe do, is coaching. We're reinforcing daily our vision, reinforcing daily ormbilsion, and helping build our capacity and the organization. And that's basely what i did. And i felt like, we have to take that over. It has to transfer over, because in any community. It only thrives if you, number one, reach out to the stake holders and you brace every culture inside the community. And that's when i rea as trying to establish a culture inside of an organization, his outbat. It's just not going to work like that. O, i'm