If you love stories of historical women making great impact, reminders that your small action greatly matters, and…well, libraries, then you are in the RIGHT place today.
Sharon McMahon is today’s guest on the Mary Marantz Show and she is here to remind you that audacity is the counterpoint to imposter syndrome - and why lasting change is not just a result of systemic action, but individual action, too.
After years as a government, history, and law teacher, Sharon took her passion for educating to Instagram. Now known as "America’s Government Teacher," her audience has grown to more than 1.1 million people, she hosts a popular podcast called Here’s Where It Gets Interesting, and is now releasing her first book, “The Small and the Mighty.”
Tune in as the pair chat about:
- Why history smiles kindly on the ones who just did stuff, the courageous
- Stories of women that defied societal norms to instill change
- How to overcome imposter syndrome and feeling like you don’t matter
- Identifying what is *actually* holding us back (and what to do about it)
- Defining a better definition of success for our generation
This episode is equal parts a history lesson we wish we received in grade school, and inspiration to use your unique gifting to make an impact today.
Pre-order Sharon’s book: https://sharonmcmahon.com/preorder#form
Follow Sharon: https://www.instagram.com/sharonsaysso/?hl=en
Check out her website: https://sharonmcmahon.com/