Episode 93: Ode to the Futures
Recorded in the summer, this 6 minute immersive story is both a framing of the context we find ourselves in
A sonic orientation towards the future - of this podcast, and the offerings and invitations of Becoming Crew.
It’s an expression of the spirit of the ongoing inquiry of this work, the intentionality, manifested through the podcast and the action learning collective and practice community of Becoming Crew.
I hope it speaks to you in some way, and that it might serve as a curious invitation to join us, to dive into the many podcast conversations past and future, to participate in one of our future gatherings and events online and onland.
To collaborate or entangle with us in some way.
If it brings something up for you, please comment, drop us a mail or DM we’d love to hear from you.
May you find peace in these mysterious times.
One for the headphones.
Words and voice Dan Burgess
Sound design Charlie Shread
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