Learn vocabulary with Daniel Goodson, the vocab man, who talks about vocabulary. This time with a lot of music. Sorry guys. I love you all.
“Unmitigated.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster,
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/unmitigated. Accessed 14 May. 2020.
https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/unmitigatedDefinition of unmitigated
: not lessened : unrelieved
sufferings unmitigated by any hope of early relief
: being so definitely what is stated as to offer little chance of change or relief
an unmitigated disaster
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=3264&v=ZzzVdhyKjww&feature=emb_logoEvery tenth pot of rice I make is a unmitigated disaster and I don't know
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=489&v=-xY57F_cJ6k&feature=emb_logogovernment has
no role. The one common denominator that unifies all economic thinking is the unswerving belief
in pursuing growth.
JR: But what happens when we no longer can grow at the same pace that we've been accustomed
to in the past? Is it the unmitigated disaster that we've been taught to believe. Curiously
when we look around the world and we see which societies and which economies have the most
content and happiest people, they are seldom the economies that have the largest GDP. They
are seldom even the economies that have the fastest growing GDP. Countries like Denmark
consistently outpaced countries like the United States.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1508&v=leyxgPRYDuk&feature=emb_logoAnd sadly, there is an African-American
man right now who may be executed, by the name of
Duane Buck. Google him when you get a chance, and you'll
discover sadly, that Duane Buck is on death row, because
an expert witness, during the sentencing phase of the trial, had
the unmitigated racist gall to suggest that because
he is black, he is much more dangerous. It's his skin color
that makes him, that makes him dangerous. And the jury then
sentenced him to death. To execution. They are in the state of
Texas, again I'll repeat, the criminal justice system
experienced from the bottom up is often criminal and downright