Lieutenant General (Ret.) William “Jerry” Boykin led warriors at all levels in the US Army through some of the most dangerous and complex missions over 36 years. He was one of the original members of the U.S. Army’s commando unit and led the Army’s Green Berets and the Special Warfare Center and School. Later, he was the Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence and now is the Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council in Washington.
I personally served with him in the Army and have witnessed his unusual level of courage, both on the battlefield and in the public arena. His faith has been an inspiration to me for decades, and even in the face of threats on his life, he does not back down and is not intimidated.
You’ll hear:
- What it was like to join the Army during one of its most challenging periods in history
- Miracles he witnessed on the battlefield, including 45 commandos walking out of a ball of fire alive
- Our stories about the honor of talking to Soldiers in Mogadishu about their faith
- What it was like to become a terrorist target
- What he’s doing now to help shape the soul of our country being torn apart at the seams
Order Boykin’s books:
Never Surrender: A Soldier's Journey to the Crossroads of Faith and Freedom
The Warrior Soul: Five Powerful Principles to Make You a Stronger Man of God
Man to Man: Rediscovering Masculinity in a Challenging World
Strong and Courageous: A Call to Biblical Manhood
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