Dr Lori Michener (Professor of Biomechanics and Physical therapist) is a super expert on shoulder biomechanics and rehabilitation.
Today we talked about: - the role of biomechanics in pain and injury
- whether you need to be concerned with scapular movement/control
- changes in her clinical opinion
- shoulder "impingement" debates and so much more.
More about Dr Michener
The central theme of Michener’s funded research is to define optimal treatment pathways for patients with musculoskeletal shoulder disorders by focusing on characterizing mechanisms, defining classification and management approaches and determining optimal outcomes of care. Specifically, her main research aims are: 1) to elucidate the biomechanical and neurophysiological mechanisms related to the presence of pain and poor recovery, in order to 2) develop classification and management strategies to optimize functional outcomes and simultaneously 3) determine the optimal set of patient outcome measures that comprehensively capture activity limitations and participation restrictions to judge treatment outcomes. She is director of the Clinical Biomechanics and Orthopedic Outcomes Research Laboratory, and directs the development, collection and analysis of patient-rated outcomes and process of care in the USC Physical Therapy clinics, and serves as a resource for clinical research.