Welcome to Episode 169 of the Being Human Podcast: Breaking Free From Unhealthy Mental Habits
In this episode, the fourth video of our six-part series for Lent, we feature a part of Dr. Greg’s 8-week course entitled "Introduction to Catholic Mindfulness". He talks about how our interpretations of events shape our reactions and behaviors, using the ABC model of learning to illustrate this process. He emphasizes the role of mindfulness in breaking habitual thought patterns and empowering individuals to make conscious choices. By acknowledging self-critical thoughts without judgment and practicing mindfulness exercises like the sacramental pause, we can cultivate greater awareness and peace of mind. He also shares about the power of mindfulness as a tool to counteract negative thought patterns and promote personal growth.
Discussed in the episode:
Understanding one’s innate capacity for mindfulness and the importance of re-engaging with present experiences through awareness and mindful living
The transformative power of mindfulness in unraveling the mind's narrative and cultivating a deeper sense of awareness in daily life
A discussion on the ABC model of learning, how this affects our thoughts, and how interpretations can shift based on new information influences our reactions to events
Understanding how interpretations can be true, false, or a mix of both, and how they impact our reactions and responses
The significance of the "beginner's mind" approach and how recognizing distractions is key to deepening our mindfulness practice
Exploring our thoughts as mental events and the significance of learning to view them as mental noises to be heard without judgment or attachment
Resources mentioned or relevant:
Introduction to Catholic Mindfulness
Mindful Catholic Exercises
The Mindful Catholic: Finding God One Moment At A Time by Dr. Greg Bottaro
Episode 134: Catholic Mindfulness: Why It's Not Only Okay But Encouraged for Catholics to Practice
Buddhist vs Catholic Mindfulness
Is Mindfulness New Age?
Catholic Mindfulness Is Not Centering Prayer
The Catholic Guide to Mindfulness, or, Coffee - Satan’s Drink
You’re No Angel, but Neither Am I
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