Teresa was 22 years-old message therapy student when she was offered the opportunity to work for a high-profile client as a traveling massage therapist. Instead, she ended up being groomed, sexually assaulted, and trafficked by Jeffrey Epstein and his network of exploiters.
During this episode, Teresa shares her experience being a sex trafficking victim of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, how she’s used that experience to help other victims in her position at the National Center of Sexual Exploitation’s Law Center, and how parents and caregivers can recognize the signs of grooming.
Click here to learn more about the guest.
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As you go about your day we invite you to increase your self-awareness, look both ways, check your blindspots, and consider before consuming.
Fight the New Drug collaborates with a variety of qualified organizations and individuals with varying personal beliefs, affiliations, and political persuasions. As FTND is a non-religious and non-legislative organization, the personal beliefs, affiliations, and persuasions of any of our team members or of those we collaborate with do not reflect or impact the mission of Fight the New Drug.