It has become a tradition to welcome Luca Pedretti, Co-Founder of Pexapark, to the show to discuss the evolving PPA market, especially now that Pexapark has released its annual State of the Market report.
Laurent and Gerard are joined by Luca to highlight the key insights from this year’s findings:
- Corporate PPA demand remains stable, but with new entrants
- More deals, but smaller sizes: The number of transactions increased by 16% (+37 deals), even as total volumes declined.
- Innovative deal structures on the rise: Hybrid models, such as solar-wind PPAs, multi-buyer/portfolio arrangements, and cross-border agreements, are gaining traction, offering enhanced flexibility and risk-sharing.
- The continuous rise of 24/7 energy with the need to track and trade GoOs
We also delve into the topic of negative prices, capture prices, and their implications. The conversation extends to Pexapark’s predictions for 2025.
Additionally, we explore the growing role of batteries, new tolling agreements, and their impact, along with how batteries are increasingly incorporated into PPAs.
Finally, we turn our attention to the US market, discussing Pexapark’s first acquisition of a US company, Renewafi, marking a significant step in Pexapark’s american expansion.
Link to Report: to Renewafi: