Today's episode features Kyle Nolan, creator of Projection Lab.
Kyle already had the skills to develop web-based applications when he discovered the world of financial independence.
What he didn't have and couldn't find was a financial planning tool that felt modern, flexible, and engaging.
So he just decided to build his own!
Projection Lab allows you to create beautiful and nuanced financial plans that truly represent you, your loved ones, and the paths you choose.
You get to run Monte Carlo simulations, backtest on historical data, and figure out how to live your best life and reduce anxiety around your finances.
I can't over-emphasize the word robust here.
Back door Roths, multiple drawdown strategies, SEPP distributions, loan forgiveness, cash flow priorities...the list goes on and on and on.
Kyle has built this beautiful web app all by himself and kept data protection at the forefront.
And you can utilize this tool for free!
The premium mode adds persistent data, tax estimation, advanced tax options, Sankey cash flow, visualizations, and Developer support for $8/month (20% off with code "FISHOW").
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Links From the Episode
Projection Lab (Use code FISHOW for 20% off a Premium Account)
Kyle's Twitter
Kyle's LinkedIn
YouTube Interview
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