Speaker 2
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Speaker 1
I mean, I think you're gonna have a hard time. I mean, I can't because you can you can pick like, you go for thalamus or something like that. But man, your recovery, like your physiological health, your immune system, all these things are being regulated in large part by skeletal muscle is is, you know, 1000 times written your book. In addition to its your interface with the world, how you experience this life, the one like, I think, I don't think this example was on our our grip strength paper, but Tommy would friend of ours, and his, his grad student was first author of this paper a couple years ago. But one of the stuff we've looked at a little bit is grip strength, right? And so people will look at like grip strength as a marker of aging. And while in some part of that, that is correlation, right? So people who are healthier, older also tend to be stronger. That's totally true. But there's also direct causality here, right? There's absolutely 100% direct causality between your grip strength and your aging. And if you think about this, why? People always ask me, I'm like, well, let's go a couple of steps back. It's not difficult to imagine you not being able to carry things. When you can't carry things, you're less likely to go out into the world. Why this becomes a problem is if you look at the research on like social sciences outside of our side. One of the largest determinants upon when people will retire, when they have major drops in mental health, and when they will stop leaving their houses, when they become a burden on society. Self - perceived. But people do not want to feel like they're slowing the whole ship down. Quite literally. If you know you are not going to be able to carry your groceries, right, through the thing, you're not gonna go to the grocery store anymore. Okay fine, I'll just do electronically. I'll order it and I'll have it delivered in my house. Why? Because it takes me forever. I can't carry my groceries. I can't get to that place. I'm moving slowly. Can't load the line. Yeah, waits for me. I get really embarrassed. I slow the whole thing down. I don't want to waste people's time because I'm just too old and slow. I can't get through that place. So you order groceries to your house. Great. Fantastic. Which means now you're never leaving your house. You lack the physical activity and more. You're not holding these things anymore. So you just got weaker. But addition, look at the social isolation. You also have the mental burden of lack of purpose. Right? So you start looking at those things and you feel like you are a drain of society. You stop doing all this stuff, the physical deterioration. then you have those other really strong papers showing You fall off a cliff your physical health really falls off a cliff when you don't feel like you have a purpose in society Not good, right? Okay. Great. Same thing with your legs, right? You're not gonna go on a trip. You're gonna skip the family vacation You're not gonna go to the kids activity because you know that that place has stairs in it and they don't have an elevator not gonna go Not going to go. You start opting out of things because you don't feel strong in your legs and you don't feel strong in your hands. If you're on, you know you have to take that tram because you're going to go to the airport and you have to take that tram to get to your car. And you know that tram is really busy and you don't feel confident that you can stand in there with your balance while that tram is going. You're going to opt out of all these things, right? This place doesn't have a taxi service, I'm not going to go. You start doing that. And then you have those second and tertiary problems that come with all that other side of health. And so this is why we say like, it is all physiology is really a circle here. These are the problems that associate that I mean, doesn't mean you're not going to have those issues if you're