Nathan Baugh writes fiction and the World Builders newsletter. We talk about writing, non-fiction vs. fiction, storytelling and world building devices, Kurt Vonnegut and other authors, getting the most out of technology and the internet, and more.
(00:47) Why writing
(02:46) Loops & closing the curiosity gap
(04:05) The combination of short form non-fiction & long form fiction
(09:54) Storytelling & world building; Virgil Abloh’s 3% Rule
(14:30) Tradeoffs of traditional publishing vs. self-publishing; going direct-to-audience
(21:54) Tech and magic; AI
(28:26) His most influential authors
(31:08) Favorite opening sentences
(34:25) Vonnuget’s shape of stories & promise, progress, payoff
(49:11) Why not go all in on fiction?
(44:41) Writer’s self limiting beliefs
(52:54) Biggest fear as a writer: not living up to expectations
(55:33) Balancing technology and the internet with deep work
(59:58) What's one work of fiction that has stuck out?
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Vonnegut’s Shape of Stories:
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