In this episode we are joined by the lovely Shivani Pau. Shivani Pau is the host of the wonderful podcast "A Millennial Mind", and is the founder of @myperformanceplanner. She believes in the power of using story telling to share motivational, inspiring, and uplifting knowledge to others.
Leo and Shivani sit down (in the spotify studios for the first time hehe) to discuss the following:
- Shivani discusses her journey with confidence and how her childhood experience has played a massive role in the person she is today
- She shares how confidence can vary and manifest itself differently in in a person's life (confidence in speaking and meeting new people, confidence in being alone, and confidence in physical appearance)
- Shivani discusses the importance of surrounding yourself with motivational and inspiring women
- Leo and Shivani discuss 'hustle culture', work pressures and the upcoming concept of Genzs having 'lazy girl jobs'
- they both discuss the self love movement and how self care looks also manifests itself differently in people
- Shivani discusses the feelings she had turning 30 and reflects back on the expectations she had in her 20's and the importance of mindset whilst going through these milestones
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