On this episode of #mensexpleasure, I chat with the Techy Tantrika, Devika Singh. Devika is a holistic intimacy and self-relationship coach, holistic sex educator, and pleasure-inclusive sex education advocate. Her work focuses on reporting sex/dating tech trends along with normalizing conversations around topics that are still considered ‘taboo’ or socially charged. These topics include sex education, pro-sex spirituality, various forms of intimacy, rebirth and transitions (personal transformation), death positivity, and how metaphysics impact how we connect to one another throughout life.
Key points:
- Devika introduces herself
- Sexual content, censorship, and terms of service
- FOSTA-SESTA legislation
- “Think of the children” rhetoric
- Artificial intelligence and human trafficking
- Tech billionaires and outrage marketing
- Sex toys and data privacy
- Politics and technology
Relevant links:
Devika’s YouTube/Instagram/TikTok: @TheTechyTantrika
Devika’s website: devika-singh.com