Sarah Barrett is Principal Information Architecture Manager and Rachel Price is Senior Information Architect at Microsoft. Together they have used OOUX to untangle, among others, the insane complexity of Microsoft's technical library, Microsoft Docs, as well as Microsoft Learn, which provides interactive learning paths and certifications for beginners and pros alike. In this episode of the podcast, Sophia, Sarah, and Rachel discuss how to think like a library scientist, how being conventional can be a virtue, and why accessibility is good for everyone, not just the differently-abled. Enjoy!
Connect with Sarah on Twitter: @Documentalope
Keep up with Sarah on her website:
Connect with Rachel on Twitter: @r_audrey
Read Sarah's article about getting to structured content at Microsoft: How We Did It: Getting To Structured Content
Check out more from both of them on their Medium Publication: Known Item
Senior Information Architect position at Microsoft: Senior Information Architect