In the week's episode of the Pacey Performance Podcast, Rob talks to Nathan Heaney, The Conditioning Consultant.
The topic of the discussion is one that often spills over into arguments on social media and that's maximal aerobic speed (MAS) versus tempo running. In this episode Nathan clarifies what MAS actually is and isn't as well as giving us an insight into the different ways of getting MAS data. That is followed up with him giving us a great insight into how he individualises aerobic training based on MAS.
The second half of the episode has Nathan giving the other side of the argument and explaining the pros and cons of tempo training. Although not Nathan's preferred choice, he explains the adaptations that coaches may be seeking by using tempo running (vs MAS) and why this actually goes against much of the literature on aerobic training with elite athletes.
Talking points -
- Importance of aerobic fitness for team sport athletes
- What MAS is and isn't • Different types of HIIT and when each one may be used
- Common misconceptions and over focus on certain methods (Eurofit)
- How can we use MAS to prescribe conditioning sessions for team sport athletes
- Where does anaerobic speed reserve fits in
- What do we mean by tempo running?
- What adaptations are practitioners looking for when employing tempo running and what are the realities?
- Its use for track athletes, endurance athletes and team sport athletes
- Why would a practitioner live in one camp (MAS or tempo) or the other?