Lucy Catherine's supernatural thriller continues. On the run from the police, Dan has sought refuge inside the trunk of the ancient Wych Elm which still stands amidst the charred ruins of Harland's shopping centre.
Dan ..... Tyger Drew-Honey
Morris ..... Rupert Holliday Evans
Sadie ..... Melissa Advani
Sarah ..... Ayesha Antoine
Janis ..... Fiona Skinner
DCI Cummins ..... John Lightbody
Fordingbridge ..... Sean Baker
Dom-Rob ..... Josh Bryant-Jones
Melangell ..... Kitty O’Sullivan
Security Guard ..... Tyler Cameron
Production Co-ordinator ..... Jenny Mendez
Technical Producer ..... Andrew Garratt
Sound Design by Peter Ringrose and Caleb Knightley
Directed by Toby Swift
A BBC Audio Production for BBC Radio 4