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Do you know when I pray at night that you're going to laugh at this? Never said this out loud. Not even to my wife. I'm going to tell you and about 70 billion people right now. When I pray at night, one of my last prayers is that I'm going to live to 128 years old. Okay. And I really believe now, again, someone will listen to this in three years. Wow. It's so sad. He passed away, but, but, but I, I, I have that prayer and that intention and I've repeated it over and over and over and over again, because I believe if I don't pick a number, if I don't pick a time, if I don't set a goal, if I don't, then it'll, I'll be up to the whims of whatever else comes my way. And I really believe that you create a space when you set something like that, that didn't exist before you did it. And then you find the behaviors, the people, the things, the thoughts, the technology, the nutrition to fill it up. What I didn't do was calculate the amount of hours that it gives me to then optimize that time. So speak to that whole thing. Yeah. And look, I'm, you
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know, it makes, it really makes me happy that means we're gonna we're literally we're gonna be friends deep into our hundreds i love we're gonna be having these conversations about well what do you think you're thinking you're going to 128 you think you're good i don't know i'm bush i'm feeling pretty good right now but i think about it more from a this is what i'm big on this is your existence, right? And this is, this is the framework of the, the experience, the human experience, right? You only truly can judge anything, your energy, how well you're using time, everything that's happened in your past, how you actually feel in the present moment. You can only do it in the present moment and you only experience it in your mind, right? And then you have to make a decision of like, I want to change all of these things. So I'm going to create a better future experience. That is the human experience. And I realized that it, that I wanted to make it last to 112. I initially wanted to live to 104 and be shot in a rocket into space and explore the universe without the light pollution from planet earth for the last year before I died and then floated out into the cosmos. Now that was before I had a wife and kids. And so it's like now the audacity of don't worry about me. And then like, I'm up there for like 24 more years. So that changed. And then when I read the book, Icky Guy, right, the Japanese long life and happiness book, they talked about super centurions. And I'm like, oh, like that brand. I want to be a super centurion. So then I made it at, um, then I made it, uh, that I would want to live to 112. And then as I started getting deeper into, okay, how many days is that? All right. Okay. That's how many days I have. This is how many days that I've done so far. Then when I was going, going through my time matrix and looking at all these different things where I spend time of like, wow, I spend nearly as much time shooting a television show as I will picking up my kids and taking them to school for the year. Right. And, and to me, as I just started looking at these hours and then where am I, where am I losing a lot of time on the couch watching Netflix? You know what I mean? It's, it's me and the wife on there watching our favorite show. But boy, when you start looking at what that is, man, you're letting, you're letting the hard eight to 9% go on the couch. You know what I mean? Like it's, it's cold, hard reality. But as I looked at that, you know, I'm, I then was like, you know, what is like, what's a round number of time and like, wow, 1 million hours is 114 years and 54 days. I'm going to, I'm going to experience a million hours on this earth. Right. And so of course, a lot of people push back on like, Oh, it's good. Yeah. You're like a vegetable. What are you going to do? And it's like, like, I didn't even contemplate that. And it's because you live in two different mindsets. There's I live in a mindset that I just keep getting healthier and happier, more balanced, lighter. Life is more effortless. My system that is my entire body is more efficient. And I can show you in blood work. I can show you in net worth. I can show you in time. And I can show you in qualitative data that I have collected about how I feel about my life, work, and health. That I am in healthier, better physical condition, wealthier, more balanced, and happier in the data. which only proves to me there's no reason why you can't keep getting healthier, happier, and wealthier for the remainder of your life. And then I'll just fall right off a cliff, you know what I mean, whatever it ends up ending. But again, what's it go back to? I want to live with absolute intention. And I want to experience every moment that I get into and feel the vividness and the richness and the beauty that is the human experience and life. You know, you don't want to be so future focused and trying to create a better future that you never feel the present. Right. And so for me, I'm I really began to understand what state my mind is at all the time, at all times. And how do I learn to control that and begin to put in systems and solutions that keep my mind in a balanced state is really one of the bigger things that I've learned to do over the last year or so. Share with us one of those systems. Well, you know, if you can imagine this, your mind is balanced in this way, right? It's past, present, and future, right? And so there's sort of five sections as I see it. And on one end, it's dwelling in the past. You ain't doing nothing. You want to sit and dwell about something you did? You ain't doing nothing. Then the next level up is rectify, right? You are problem solving, taking action, something that happened in the past. So now you're in the present past where, okay, I'm dealing with something that happened. Now I'm problem solving, taking action to make a better future, right? You sit right in the middle and you experience it or you go to the next level is creating, right? And so now you're in this future present, right? Where you're experiencing the present while creating the future. That's where you want to toggle, right? Because what goes beyond creating the future is wishing, right? Because if you're sitting there wishing the future was better and wishing like like this will be like this or your dwelling you're not moving right and so you want to be either experiencing the moment or handling something that happened in the past present or creating something in the future present state and and swing between that right and so if you can imagine that's your mind what you what about on an ongoing basis is ranges between all of that. That's where the action lives. Now, it's the quality of your mind. And your mind's quality is either in a proactive state, a reactive state, an inactive state, or a magnetic state, right? And for me, when all aspects of my life are in order, meaning I'm eating super clean, everything, all my goals and visions and everything is running smooth. I'm spending very little time rectifying the past because I've designed my present future experience with such intention. I'm dealing with very little disruption that then I eventually go beyond just being proactive to this magnetic state and I know you've experienced this before because this is when your everything is going at operating at such a level that answers start coming to you without you asking the questions it is the law of attraction that that's the unexplainable force that lives in the quantum field where your energy is at such a high level. You are so clear of not only being present and experiencing, but creating your better future. And you rise to this, you vibrate to this level to where the answers show up and you never ask the questions, right? And for me, I'm trying to master all aspects of my existence to where I basically sit in that state of toggling between future present and proactive and magnetic at all times. Oh my God. It's a deep one. It's a deep one. No.
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Okay. That's an all timer. I want everyone to go back the last five or six minutes there. That's an all timer. Um, when we talk, I always filter it through my life and my perspective. I just realized something. Cause I do know what that vibrational frequency feels like when I am getting answers to questions I haven't even asked. It's not frequent enough. And the reason it's not frequent enough is I'm depleting my energy reserves to not put myself in a state where I can have that type of energy and what I call vibrate at that frequency. And you're exactly right. And that's the other reason why rest, recovery, being present matters. I just really pulled something here.
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I just really did. But let me say this. Every single thing matters. Every thought, every action, every decision, every single thing that you do is interconnected to get you to that space. And for me, it's like, I think, oh, I'll have a glass of wine. I'll have a couple chips. It will pull away from that. I'll make one bad decision from eating bad that will then cause me to be short with my wife that leads to this entire, pulls me right out of the magnetic state, right? Because it's like, even when you're there, it's really sensitive and you could just get one thought that could rip you out of that. You could look at one text that could rip you out of that, right? And so that requires really, really understanding every single bit of you and then giving value to everything you do rather than trying to like pocket your values. Oh, if I eat healthy. Oh, if I stay focused. Oh, if I clear out this stuff. Oh, if I rest or recover it versus like, no, it is all works together to make the best version of you. How committed are you? How disciplined are you to live at the level that you know you have to live at, at a consistent enough basis that it becomes to compound effortlessly and become a way of life rather than getting disciplined again. That's really what it is, you know.
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Well, for me, I burn myself out going from those states to the good state back to the bad state. I'm still having wine with you at dinner tonight, but I know exactly what you're talking about. And everybody know you all hear the show every single week it's pretty rare that i'm this quiet because i just i i really process a lot of information when you and i go like this yeah it's good for me i'm already thinking of stuff i'm gonna say and i'm gonna teach that i'm gonna steal that i'm gonna make mine here's a clip of ed myet
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appearing on Impact Theory with host Tom Bilyeu. Your actions also have to line up. You're never going to be able to think your way to success. I love Think
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and Grow Rich. It's my favorite book other than my scriptures, but I got to be honest with you. You don't just think and get rich. You got to do stuff. The question then becomes, what do I need to think and what do I need to do simultaneously or in congruency that produced the result? And that's why I did the things that I had the things in the book. Second chapter, as you know, and I know you're a huge matrix fan. I like, as I'm writing this chapter, this is Tom's chapter.
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I was like, this is the greatest chapter ever written.
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I love this. But one of the points that I make in the book is being able to slow things down and get into bullet time. But there's two things I love about the matrix. One, I think that's an absolute example of the reticular activating system in the brain. And so you do have to be good. But the question in life becomes, listen, listen, I believe you're one decision, one relationship, one meeting, one show, one thought, one new emotion, potentially away from changing your entire life. I've proven this in my life. So have you. And the question then becomes, how do you find them? And this RAS is super powerful in our brains because it's the mechanism that filters the entire world to us. It literally reveals to us our reality, just like you just said. It reveals our reality. I just bought a Tesla. I drove it here today. I like what Musk is doing. I'm like, I'm going to get one of these Teslas. Man, every freaking where I go, I see Teslas now. Red one, babe. Hey, there's a white one. There's a plaid. Three lanes over other side of the freeway. Babe, black Tesla just drove by. She's like, how in the world do you know this? Because it's become important to me. And it's now in my filter. It's now a part of my RAS. That's why when you're in a loud room, all the auditory sounds, someone doesn't even say it loud. Tom, you can hear your own name in a room because it's become important to you. See, the question in life is, can you make your goals, your ambitions, the emotions you want, the thoughts, the relationships you need to become your Tesla's? And if they become your Tesla's, things slow down. The other part of the matrix I love, I'll come up for air, is Neo is the one. He's the one. And when my wife and I were little, I literally live on the beach now, brother, that we used to walk on. We were in high school, we were dating and we'd walk on this beach and go, babe, I'm going to get you one of these beach houses. We're going to get get one of these beach houses because you are go yep and i have no idea how and i go home i go dad who are these freaking people who lives there he's like i don't know who the heck they are but they don't work with me you know and i figured something out when you find a family or a person that's happy and successful or either one somewhere back in their lineage, they weren't. That family wasn't. And then the one shows up. The one. And that one changes that family forever. It changes the way they live, the way the world treats them, the way they think. They're the neo. They're the one in their family. And in my family, I'm the one. I'm the one. I didn't like it. I didn't hope for it. I fought for it. I fought for it. I did the things in this book to become the one in my family. And if you're listening to this or watching it, why don't you consider the fact that potentially maybe you're the one? And the fact that you don't think you are, or that you're not qualified to be the one, or don't have the background or the skills or the confidence probably makes you the one because that was me. Now,
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what does the one do? What do they introduce to the family that changes it so profoundly? I think they introduce a different way of thinking, Tom.
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I think they introduce a belief system that the world doesn't dictate the terms to our family anymore. We're going to dictate the terms to the world and that we have some measure of control over the results of our lives. I think most people go through their lives thinking they have no measure of control. And I had a huge breakthrough brother two weeks ago after I wrote the book. And as you know, as I wrote the book, when my dad died, I thought I need to write this book because my dad taught me all these profound lessons of one more. And I'm the next to go. I don't know if it's this week or 60 years from now, but I'm the next to go. And I woke up about three o'clock in the morning, 315 exactly. And I woke up Christian. I said, babe, wake up. And I was in tears. This was just two weeks ago. I said, babe, someone helped daddy. I'm 51, bro. My dad was sober for 35 years. This never occurred to me. She goes, what? I said, helped my dad. She goes, what do you mean? Someone helped my dad in his darkest moment of his life, get sober. In some coffee shop or quiet place where my dad was down on his knees, losing his family, some precious human being helped my dad. I don't know who they are. They changed our entire family. Max and Bella's lives are changed because this person that we don't know, millions of people I've reached because this person helped my dad. She goes, that's amazing. I said, here's what's more amazing. What qualified them to help my dad? Their shame. Their mess. That they were also a drug addict and alcoholic. This precious soul, the things that the most ashamed of, that they think disqualified them the most in life, is the very thing that qualified them to help my dad in the most important moment of his life, is where their giftedness, their experience, their shame, their setbacks, is what qualified them to change my life and my dad's life in this dark space. been in personal development. My dad's been sober forever. It never occurred to me. The mess you have in your life, the things you are most ashamed of and embarrassed by that you think are the most insignificant, that disqualify you the most are probably the very things that will qualify you to connect with another human being in your business or your personal life to change their life. And don't ever underestimate the ripple effect. They were just helping some man get sober in some dark space in his life, never knowing the one was his son. Never knowing that this whole existence of my family was changed, not just by me being the one, not just by my dad's decision, but by a completely flawed person. Remember, think about this person. At some point, maybe they were stealing from their family, driving drunk, did things they're completely ashamed of in those states. That was the experience that qualified them to change my dad's life. So if you're listening to this or watching it, stop discounting yourself. Stop carrying these bags of your life of the things you're embarrassed or ashamed of, or that you think are insignificant, that don't amount to anything. Those are the things, you, precious you, that could change another precious human being's life in a moment where they need you the most. And if you don't believe you're qualified, if you don't believe you can do it, you're going to miss those moments in your life. And your entire existence here wasn't what it was supposed to be.
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Here's a clip of Ed Milet appearing on the Heavy Checklist podcast.
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The scripture says, hey, where there's no vision, the people will perish. If you dig deeper with that, it's not that people don't have any vision. Look, would you rather be fit or fat? Would you rather be happy or sad? Would you rather be rich or poor? Right? Like, would you rather have a private jet or fly commercial? These are easy questions. People have a vision. Their issue is depth perception. Right. They think they're further away than they are. Yeah. And because they think they're so far away and it's so complicated, everything stays that far away all their life. They keep it there by their behaviors. But what if the truth is you're one decision away from changing your life? You're one relationship. Like I said earlier, you're one podcast. You're one YouTube video. You're one new book. You're one new meeting Check this out. About three weeks ago, I'm playing golf. And a really good friend of mine goes, I want you to meet this guy. I want you to play golf tomorrow. Your net worths are similar. And he's a fascinating dude. And you don't meet guys every single day worth hundreds of millions of bucks. Let's get together. I go, all right, I'll play with him tomorrow. So I go to the first tee. And he goes, oh, Ed Milad, I'm a huge fan of yours. I can't wait to spend five hours. I got all these questions for you. I go, that ain't how it's going to work, bro. I already know about me. I want to know about you. Yeah. Tell me your story. And he goes, I could do it on the first tee. It's really simple. I go, give it to me. He goes, 1986, I, give me the 50 grand back. I kept the loan to the guy. He goes, it turned into 750 million bucks. I said, get the heck out of here, dude. Who'd you loan that money to? Jeff Bezos. in me. That dude was one relationship, one decision, one loan away from completely changed his life. Now that's an exaggerated example. I don't have that story, but I have a series of little, as you've said, one more decision, one more meeting, one more breakthrough, one new emotion, one new thought. And every single time I've changed my life, he did it in one big one, but you're right. You're way closer to the change than you think you are. And oftentimes it's a very simple change. This is the Ed Myron Show.