Aaron, 43, male. Son of Philip and Anne Cantor. Brother of Gabriel. Father of Bodhi and Jasper. Grew up in Japan and Brazil. Traveled the world pursuing enlightenment and self mastery. Yoga, meditation, martial arts, breathwork, bodywork, biohacking, dance, athletics...Got really good at somethings. Was really successful teaching somethings and that evolved over 20 years into a body of work I called "primal pratice"... not sure what to call it now. My focus currently is 1)stories (mythic) 2)games (embodied) 3) practice (enacted intention) as portals into deep encounters with the Great Unknown (life, the universe and everything). Seems to me that "Play" is what we become when we enter the portals. I'm amazed and grateful to be embodied and em-worlded here with you. If you are reading this, I prey we can play together someday.