If you've been following Muscle Building Month in our MI community, you'll know that the foundation of muscle growth is correct posture and structural alignment. To help YOU optimize your posture, I interviewed Annette Verpillot, a globally-recognized posturologist.
Annette created the Posturepro Method, which has gained global recognition for eliminating chronic pain, increasing strength, and improving sports proficiency. Annette actively works with professional athletes, trainers, practitioners, and researchers to develop solutions to tackle human mobility issues around the world. In today's episode, Annette walks us through three main facets of stability, and how each is connected to the nervous system and performance. Annette offers action items to immediately assess your own posture, and to begin to cultivate postural balance with exercises that can be done in just minutes.
You’ll learn:
- How to balance your nervous system.
- Why posture SO heavily impacts your performance.
- What it means to age gracefully (and how to prevent injury).
- Why getting stronger makes alignment MORE important.
Click here to get access to the FREE Episode Guide on postural assessment and improvement, and other upcoming Muscle-Building guides. These special EXTENDED guides contain step-by-step frameworks to improve upon your stability, mobility, training efficiency, and physiology.
Learn More from Annette:
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