The legal ecosystem is complex, multidisciplinary and evolving. Delivery of legal services and products requires the capabilities of many people working seamlessly in collaboration with each other and customers/clients. Contemporary legal practice is all about new - new law, new professions and specialisms, new areas of practice, and new ways of conceiving, working on and solving new legal problems.
In this podcast, Terri Mottershead, Executive Director, CLI discussed with legal innovation/transformation leaders how their firms have defined NewLaw careers; why they have evolved; how the roles have impacted the war for legal talent; and if the roles are reshaping legal practice:
This podcast was part of the COL-CLI NewLaw Careers Summit 2022 program on 16 May 2022.
If you would like to know more about NewLaw Careers, you’ll find loads of information in our NewLaw Careers Series here.
If you would prefer to watch rather than listen to this podcast, you’ll find the video in our CLI-Collaborate (CLIC) free Resource Hub here.