A podcast where Liv Agar and Julian Feeld venture into horny online subcultures and take you along for the ride.
Gooning, Gooners, Goonettes, the Goon State and Goon Caves. Is it just copious masturbation? Is it the overconsumption of pornography? Is it a tantric state? Is it a solo or group thing? Is it gay? Is it an online community? Why not all of these things, all the time, everywhere, forever? This first episode of PERVERTS we are joined by Jesse Farrar and Mike Hale of the Your Kickstarter Sucks Podcast to discuss.
For the remaining 9 episodes of the series as they come out (+ all miniseries + all premium QAA episodes) go to https://patreon.com/qanonanonymous and subscribe for just $5 a month.
Your Kickstarter Sucks: https://patreon.com/yourkickstartersucks / https://twitter.com/yourkickstarter
Go Off Kings Twitch Stream: https://twitch.tv/gooffkings
Theme by Nick Sena, additional music by Pontus Berghe. Editing by Corey Clotz.