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On the homepage of her website, Lindsay Williams, a polyglot from the UK who speaks 14 languages, says this:
“I don't teach languages. I teach you how to learn a language.”
If you’re a teacher, that’s what you should do too if you want to keep your job.
Knowledge is not confined in the expert’s brain anymore. It’s on YouTube, ebooks and websites. So no matter what skills you teach – be they language, cooking, or management skills – training your students to access information and helping them discover how to learn independently are your two main responsibilities.
How can you charge more for what you do if you’re a mere explainer? Soon there won’t be any more room for the explainer.
Your ultimate goal is to empower the student. And that requires empathy, storytelling and human connection. These are elements no technology can replace.
“Thank you, teacher, now I know how to learn by myself. I don’t need you anymore” is the most rewarding comment the modern teacher could hear.
Teaching learning: that’s the aim. And that’s what Lindsay does.
I’ve interviewed her on my podcast. We talked about learning languages, learner autonomy, culture, writing, self-assessment, the future of teaching and more. I hope you'll be inspired by Lindsay as much as I've been.
Episode Links
Lindsay's website --
Lindsay's YouTube Channel --
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