18min chapter

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#2046 - Brian Redban

The Joe Rogan Experience


Microplastics and Maternal Health

This chapter discusses the troubling presence of microplastics in rainwater and their implications for health, alongside a study linking diet sodas containing aspartame to increased autism rates in boys. The hosts raise concerns about the safety of artificial sweeteners like aspartame, scrutinizing its controversial history and the ethical dilemmas surrounding animal testing in research. The chapter also reflects on the complexities of cultural practices regarding the consumption of marine animals, juxtaposing indigenous food traditions against modern societal norms.

Speaker 2
Microplastics are now in rain. That's crazy. Oh, that's good. That's convenient if you want to get your microplastics in your diet. If you're trying to disrupt your endocrine system, you don't have time
Speaker 1
to eat credit cards. Just drink water. It's in the rain. Oh my God. Of course it's in the rain. It gets evaporated. It's in the water. It evaporates, goes in the sky. Did
Speaker 2
you read that new study? Something shocking about one out of three women who drank Diet Coke during pregnancy had an autistic kid. Oh, my God. And they're now putting this connection to Diet Coke and Diet... Is that real? Aspartame? It just came up. When was this? This was like two weeks ago I read this. Oh, my God. and uh that's scary because there is a lot more i think more autistic people or people in the spectrum
Speaker 1
than there used to be like it seems like study finds link between drinking some diet soda during pregnancy and autism and boys oh boy um so it says a team of researchers said they have observed a link between autism diagnosis and boys and their mothers drinking at least one diet soda daily or consuming the equivalent amount of the sweetener aspartame during pregnancy or while breastfeeding, according to new study. Science Center at San Antonio asked the parents of 235 children with an autism spectrum disorder and 121 children without autism, who were the study's controls, to complete a retrospective questionnaire about their diet soda and aspartame intake while pregnant or breastfeeding their children. Researchers asked biological mothers, while you were pregnant or breastfeeding your child, how often did you drink diet drinks containing artificial sweeteners? Please count diet sodas first, such as Diet Coke, Diet Dr. Pepper, and Diet Sprite, and then other diet drinks such as Citrus Light, Sugar-Free Kool-Aid, Slim Fast, and other light drinks. Note, not all the diet beverages contain aspartame. The researchers did not ask women to only think about aspartame containing diet beverages they consume while pregnant or breastfeeding. However, all drinks listed in the survey's examples do contain aspartame. Team found that boys with autism had more than three times the likelihood of having a mother who drank diet soda daily while pregnant or breastfeeding than boys without autism, per the findings published in the peer-reviewed journal Nutrients. Whoa. The researchers did not find a statistically significant association with girls. That's interesting. Hmm.
Speaker 4
Speaker 1
it's more difficult to diagnose girls with autism than boys. These associations do not prove causality. That's
Speaker 3
a different link. Yeah, yeah. It might be a reason for that.
Speaker 1
But taken in concert with reports from earlier studies of increased prematurity and cardiometabolic health impacts among infants and children exposed daily to diet beverages. Holy shit. Or aspartame during pregnancy. Our findings raise new questions about the potential neurological impacts that need to be addressed. Didn't that shit get pushed through? Didn't Aspartame get pushed through by who's that fucking the military guy? What the fuck's his name? Oliver,
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
No, it's at the tip of my tongue. The guy who was on the the guy who was talking about the Pentagon missing a trillion dollars. Remember that guy? Donald Rumsfeld. Didn't Donald Rumsfeld have something to do with Aspartame? I think you're
Speaker 2
onto something.
Speaker 1
Yeah. Yeah. I think see Donald Rumsfeld, Google Donald Rumsfeld pushed through aspartame. Did he? I think there were some shenanigans involved in aspartame. And this is coming from someone who consumes it all the time. Yeah. I mean, it is poison. Aspartame is poison, pretty much, right? But is it poison like alcohol where it's okay, but it's not okay when you're breastfeeding? You know what I'm saying? Like, you could have a few glasses of wine if you're not breastfeeding, right? You can get a little tipsy, and you're going to be okay. You could have a few tequilas and have a hangover the next day. Yeah, yeah, you drank something you shouldn't have drank, but it's not going to fuck you up that bad. But if you are pregnant, your kid can have fetal alcohol syndrome. I think there's a difference between saying that something is dangerous and saying something is dangerous while someone's pregnant. Because like Elon was talking about how much Diet Coke he drinks. Is that guy drinking Diet Coke? I am not that worried. Right. He seems pretty fucking smart. So
Speaker 3
there's a story here. It says Donald Rumsfeld was involved with a company called, I think, Cyril it said here. He was the CEO at Cyril. He received a $12 million bonus in 1985 when the company was absorbed by Monsanto. Right here then, I had to go back. It says that he was involved with picking the new head of the FDA, or the FDA commissioner, and that guy had no previous history in artificial sweeteners. He had no previous experience with food additives before being appointed director of the FDA.
Speaker 1
Interesting. So Hayes, Reagan's new FDA commissioner, appointed a five-person scientific commission to review the Board of Inquiry's decision. It soon became clear that the panel would uphold the ban by a three to two decision. So Hayes installed a sixth member on the commission and the vote became deadlocked. He then personally broke the tie in aspartame's favor. Whoa, shenanigans. One of Hayes' first official acts as FDA chief was to approve the use of aspartame as an artificial sweetener in dry goods on July 18, 1981. In order to accomplish this feat, Hayes had to overlook the scuttled grand jury testimony of Cyril, I don't know who that is, overcome the Bressler report and ignore the PBOI's recommendations and pretend aspartame did not chronically sicken and kill thousands of lab animals. What? How many of them had? Oh, my God. How much have I taken? Hayes left his post at the FDA in November of 1983 amid accusations that he was accepting corporate gifts for political favors. That's crazy. He wouldn't do that. Just because leaving office, just before leaving office in scandal, Hayes approved of the use of aspartame in beverages. After Hayes left the FDA under allegations of impropriety, he served briefly as provost at New York Medical College and then took a position as a high-paid senior medical advisor with Bernson Marsteller, the chief public relations firm for both Monsanto and G.D. Searle. Since that time, he's never spoken publicly about aspartame. FYI, here's Rachel Maddow on Bernson Marsteller. When evil needs public relations, evil has Burson mar stellar on speed dial evil thy name is chemical food additives okay here's the kicker when sura was absorbed by monsanto in 1985 donald rumsfeld reportedly received a 12 million dollar bonus okay
Speaker 2
so yeah there
Speaker 1
it is yeah so i think though, what I think I've seen Lane Norton talk about is that the amount of aspartame that killed lab rats was preposterous, like that a human being couldn't even consume that amount, that it would have to be something like. I forget the number, but some preposterous number. Like you'd have to drink 1,800 Diet Cokes a day or something like that. Something really nutty to get the amount that was sickening and killing
Speaker 2
these lab rats. Well, how many of these rats had autism, though? How many of these rats were pussies? Couldn't take a little Diet Coke. Autistic rats everywhere. Millions of them. You
Speaker 1
know, there's the other thing that Brett Weinstein has brought up. These lab mice and lab rats. Like they're bred for that purpose. And so like they don't live long. Like it's not a good way to study long term effects. And it's also like these are things that are literally bred to take fucking chemicals and have experiments run on them. Like the idea that these are just like normal mammals seems a little far-fetched because you're actually literally breeding them for testing things on them. They should just grab them from New York. The New York rats? Bro. what a living hell to be an organism that just exists so that you can test potential toxins and poisons on human beings. And so your very life only exists to make the intelligent life forms think that they can live longer and better with your medication and we all agree to it we all like yep good good way to do it practice on rats practice on monkeys yeah that's the most fucked up shit the monkey one is wild the monkey one's wild because they're sort of like us they're sort of like they can think and they can they react and they're look things. And, you know, you're sitting there like the fucking rods in your head and they're alive. The monkey one's wild. Because like it's something like there's like levels of things we're allowed to kill. Like if someone kills a bug, no one freaks out. Like I remember when I lived, when I lived in Colorado, I went to this Buddhist ashram that was in my neighborhood. Just kind of in the neighborhood, seeing what they're doing. And they actually had places they would rent out there, like houses that they had for rent. So it's people I knew that wanted to live up there and they wanted to rent a place. And the lady who had the ashram was spraying bug killer on ants. She had an ant problem. And I go, you poison the ants? She's like, well, you know, it's really not what we want to do. I go, but you're a Buddhist. You just committed mass murder for your convenience. Like if we think that every life form is a life form, if we think that one equals one, you know, like one roach that dies or one mouse that gets run over by a combine in a field where they're trying to cultivate wheat, one is one. If that's the case, like you can't be spraying bug spray on ants. But we don't think that we like even vegans get hit by a mosquito that slap that motherfucker you know they kill that bitch right everybody kills mosquitoes fuck you i'm not going to be itchy for your life no one says just take from me what you need the only reason why you're doing is because you're needy. Please take from me and make me itchy. Nobody does that. Everybody swats. You find a tick, you pull that fucker off you. Oh my god, this tick, you kill it. You know, go get it, let it go so it can give Lyme disease to other folks and other animals. Now you kill that little cocksucker. Little blood sucking piece of shit. You find a leech on you, you know, a little leech, do what you must. Take from me what you must no you peel that bitch off if you have to rip it in half you rip it in half but when it gets to like things with fur then we go oh what are you doing that thing has hair that thing has hair on it that's why people freak out way more over like if you have a picture with a dead deer versus a picture with a fish nobody gives a shit if you catch a fish you'd hold up a bass like david lucas he doesn't know hate nice bass david you know david's bass fishing motherfucker he's good at it he knows what he's doing he catches some nice bass but like nobody gets mad but if david was like holding up a deary shot people
Speaker 2
because it's got fur. Except turtles and dolphins. Yeah, you can't kill turtles. I saw a video of somebody killing a turtle to eat it, though. Turtle soup? Yeah. And that was one of the worst things I've ever seen. If you think about this turtle, how old is he? Probably like 100 years old, and he's just survived
Speaker 1
so much, and now he's just got picked by a fisher. I don't think those are the ones that live to be 100 years old. Right. I think those are sea turtles. Right. Those regular turtles they make soup out of? Yeah. That bitch has been around for a couple weeks. Oh, really? I don't know. I used to have pet turtles. Yeah. I used to have pet piranhas and pet turtles. And the pet turtles were way more ferocious. Were they? Ferocious. They'd feed them goldfish, and they'd just swim over those goldfish and grab them with their little paws and just chomp into them. It's like, whoa, they're ferocious. They're little dinosaurs. Turtles are fucking cool to have in an aquarium, but there's a lot of risks of diseases. Rarely on turtles? if you touch them you have to really make sure you wash your hands yeah you can catch some funky shit and especially good look they're shitting in this tank right and then how often you clean that water how you mean it's filtering but how much is it filtering how much how much are they shitting they're in there eating goldfish all the time they're probably shitting up a storm and they're big right they're like this big you know like i didn't even know this was a thing they eat blueberries no turtle asmr like oh it's i've seen this before it's great bro that is an ancient being i mean that is essentially like what we would have seen during the dinosaur era exactly what we expect like a stegosaurus looked like yeah
Speaker 2
um sunny was the one that made you know remember sunny you had on uh your show yes yes yes he's the one that has the video about eating the turtle and he said it was the first time that like him and his wife both were like should we even release this like oh really it was the one thing that affected him the most though why there's something about turtles man if when you see this video or you can probably take a peek of it, but the turtle is just like, it is so fucking sad, man. That's a big-ass turtle. Okay. So that is one of those turtles. Yeah. That's one of those sea turtles. Yeah, when they show his face, and they just have it like. Oh, Jesus. Yeah, it is. Look at that. Look at this pork. Oh, yeah. That's rough. Dude, it's just fucked up, man. I got so emotional about this video. I mean, just look at his little face. This thing? Oh, they just
Speaker 1
start smashing it. And so this is a thing they do all the time?
Speaker 2
Yeah. Oh,
Speaker 1
my God. So the thing is still alive while they're killing it.
Speaker 2
Yep. It's horrible.
Speaker 1
Oh, man. You know, there's a thing, too, about them having armor so they kind of most of the time are protected. Yeah. That we kind of realize how vulnerable they are when a person gets them. Like, oh, no, he's going to get you now. Yeah. Like, your whole life, you've had an awesome protection provided to you by nature. Oh, my God. Oh, and he's doing it
Speaker 2
while it's still alive. Why doesn't he kill it first? I think they smashed its head in or something. Dude, it's moving still. Oh, God, I don't want to watch. I stopped watching this part. It seemed like when he was cutting
Speaker 1
into it, its legs were moving. Okay, it's dead by then, right? Bro, that's rough. Why is it so rough?
Speaker 2
How old is a sea turtle when it's that big? That's what I'm saying and they're just gonna eat it yeah he gets he talks about how emotional he's getting in it this part like did
Speaker 1
he try it oh yeah oh boy i guess you
Speaker 2
have to i mean they already killed it right and i guess the reason they're allowed to do it uh is because it's like their religion or something like that it's part of the native traditions it's like the
Speaker 1
reason why uh people like the inuit are allowed to hunt seals and whales and shit yeah isn't that interesting like there's animals that we're not no one's allowed to hunt but they can hunt them and then like bourdain did a show once where he went to this family's house and they uh a seal and then they brought it home. And in the kitchen floor, they laid it out and butchered it in the kitchen floor and they were all just eating raw seal on the kitchen floor. Like, wow. And again, modern times, normal time, like right now, they're probably doing that right now somewhere. has a seal and the whole family's excited they got one and they're they're eating raw seal like kids see if you can find that yeah it's pretty fascinating because you're you're you're realizing like well if you lived up there that's what you eat like you don't so here's the whole family so they're sitting around in, I don't know where they were. So they got this seal that they're butchering right there, and people are just taking bites. There's blood everywhere. Yeah, and they're eating the blood. They're eating everything. Every little piece of nutritious meat that comes from that seal they consume. But the crazy thing is they're eating it raw. Like, and he eats it raw, right there. Nah. Can you give me some volume on this? Oh, God. Oh. Oh. Pure generosity and kindness to an honored guest Hannibal's you gotta cut it in the middle look how she has that like blubber knife Yeah, yeah, that's a I mean that's a real part of some people's lives Would you want to live in a world where everything goes Mad Max or would you want to get jacked? Jacked? Oh. Like a missile to hit your house. Probably
Speaker 2
Speaker 1
I'd have to get some
Speaker 2
guns and stuff.

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