Well, y’all, this was a BIG week.
Right after our last Cup of Justice episode was published, Eric’s law firm Bland Richter announced they will be representing Sandy Smith in her mission to finally get answers about Stephen’s death.
Within a day of announcing this partnership, SLED chief Mark Keel called Eric and told him that his agency believes that Stephen was NOT hit by a car but rather was murdered and that SLED is devoting more resources to finding out who killed Stephen.
I cannot express how emotional and bittersweet it has been this past week. I’m so happy for Sandy, Stephanie, the Smith family and everyone who knew and loved Stephen in that they finally have a fighting chance at getting some answers.
But this took FAR TOO LONG. No family should have to work this hard to get law enforcement to acknowledge the truth about how their loved one died.
Now that we’re here, though, we’re ready to see some much-deserved JUSTICE for Stephen Smith.
So lets get into it...
We'd like to thank Better Help for sponsoring this episode.
And a big shout out to Rabia and Ellyn Solve the Case - Mandy recently sat down with this amazing duo and we'll be sharing parts of that interview with the COJ audience soon.
We all want to drink from the same Cup Of Justice — and it starts with learning about our legal system. What questions do y’all have for us? Email info@lunasharkmedia.com and we'll do our best to answer your questions in these bonus episodes.
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*The views expressed on the Cup of Justice bonus episodes do not constitute legal advice. Listeners desiring legal advice for any particular legal matter are urged to consult an attorney of their choosing who can provide legal advice based upon a full understanding of the facts and circumstances of their claim. The views expressed on the Cup of Justice episodes also do not express the views or opinions of Bland Richter, LLP, or its attorneys.
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