Speaker 2
What's the equivalent to day of gointo the gim at five a m in paloalta, orr, san francisco, silcon val what would you do to day, if you're talking about that situation in 20 22? To show your hard work, grit and to put yourself in the room with the right people?
Speaker 1
I think creating consistently on the inernet is the modern diversion of that. Ah, i think writing, you know what you're ing like, you know, recording things, putting ideas out there, putting yourself out there, putting yourself in the arena, as i like to think of it, is the modern day equivalent of doing those things, ah, because now you're not actually geographically constrained. I can literally reach anyone in the world, ah, and i can talk to people from all over the world, assuming language isn't a huge barrier. Ah, and that's amazing. And that comes from putting your ideas out there. I mean, like, ah, packy mc cormick is a friend of mine. He was like, you know, a a random employee at this start up that ended up, kind of, ah, not going so great. He was trying to figure out what to do next, started writing. Turns out he's an amazing writer and is able to write in depth. Now he's got a, you know, 50 million dollar investment fund, and he has a hundred thousand subscribers. All these amazing investors are investors in his fund or collaborating with him. And literally in the span of two years, ah, by writing and putting things out there. And i don't think anyone can do that, ah, but it's an example of, like, you can do that. And the only limiter is your consistency, your intensity, your focus on these things. And those are all pretty controllablei you can get better at all the stuff. My early, if you go read, like, my early pieces on twitter, they're kind of garbage. Like my in may 20 20 when i started really taking it seriously, i had 500 followers, started writing. You go read some of the early ones in my, i thread of threads, they're like, clumsy. The wording's not great. It's not like, when i look at it, i like, oh, let's kind of cringe that that's still out there. Ah, cause you just get better overtime. But it's like, you have to get into it to get better.