Emergencies can be extremely stressful, but they certainly make for some good stories. In this Simplified Speech episode, hosts Andrew and Kassy recount several stories from their childhoods about emergency situations. You’ll hear stories about stubborn children, bee stings, and getting stuck in theatre chairs. Listen to their tales and find out if you’ve gone through anything similar!
Simplified Speech is a Culips series that features easy to understand conversations that help beginner and intermediate English learners improve their listening skills..
Fun facts
Did you know that 911 (in North America) and 112 (in the European Union) are the most common emergency service numbers? Even if you can’t remember the right emergency number for the country you’re in, dialing either of these numbers on your smartphone should connect you to an emergency line immediately.
Expressions included in the study guide
To storm out
To go nuts
Bad influence
To be bound to happen
Copyright: Culips.com
For more information about this episode, visit culips.com.
Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free, Step On by Jahzzar
Image:Roger Brown (pexels.com)