Will and Joe Quinlan, brothers and cofounders of The Big Friendly, just make beer. Will loves saison so they make a few saisons every year. Joe loves barrel-aged stout so they make a few of those every year. Their distribution is minuscule so their production is very small, but they do take a meticulous approach to beer making despite their small size.
In this episode, the brothers each recount their approach to the beers they make, and in the process they discuss:
- building mixed fermentation cultures out of separate stock strains
- resting and conditioning saison
- using flavor- and aroma-forward New Zealand hops in saison
- tuning sourdough yeast for beer fermentation
- barrel-conditioning saison
- editing malts in barrel-aged stouts
And more.
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Omega Yeast (https://omegayeast.com): Streamline efficiency with Omega Yeast’s Diacetyl Knock Out series. The DKO series is comprised of 8 familiar yeast strains engineered to knock out the formation of diacetyl before it starts. The strains you know, now better. Contact Omega Yeast today at omegayeast.com.
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US Water Systems (https://uswatersystems.com): Depending upon the city and day, water quality can vary 40% to 50%. The best method is to start with the same water every time and Reverse Osmosis gives you that power. Visit USWaterSystems.com for a free expert analysis.
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