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And the different
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language exactly. Yeah,
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the clothes. Yeah. And I was just okay with staying there. You know, I wasn't doing anything. I wasn't trying to go to all of these mountains or whatever lakes and it was mostly just walking around to whatever we could walk to. We're walking around and you know, and then I was before my friend was able to join me from Belgium. I was like spending a couple of days on my own and I was just like going to coffee shops. So she's looking for coffee shops and I would just sit in coffee shops. And that was already that alone was good enough for Alex. Alex is a very simple person. Like I don't need a lot. You know, I tried
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that and I got so much flack. So we went to when we were in Boracay, the very first day we arrived, I was like, my wife and I took a car down from the hotel. We were on like a kind of a hill and we got to the beach. It's called white beaches. I can't even describe it. It wouldn't believe it. It looks better than it looks in a movie, better than a photo. It was it was amazing. And the very first thing I was like, Oh, look, there's a Starbucks. And we go in there and she's just like, Face Palm, what is wrong with you, Jason? You come to like maybe one of the most beautiful places on earth and your immediate
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instinct is to go to Starbucks. I want Starbucks. I will. Yeah. I mean, I did this. I am kind of with you. Like there are the kind of we talked about this international franchise, you know, it does give people a sense of not safety, but you're like, okay, I'm in a new place. I don't speak their language. And it might be a little intimidated or it might be a little unsure of what to do. But if there's some like Donald's or Starbucks, at least I know
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the food I get there is going to be okay, you know, the coffee. I can order my coffee. Everybody knows what Grande Latte is. And I'll be okay. You know, I kind of do that with Indian food, actually, you know, I'm a big fan of some Indian dishes. And what's great about Southeast Asia is they have a mix of like Japanese food, Southeast Asian food, Chinese food, Indian food. Yeah. And always at least one time on a trip in when I'm in the Southeast Asian country is go find one Indian food restaurant and try it out. And you know what? There's a lot of consistency between like Indian food and Beijing, Indian food in like, you know, Thailand, it's like, okay, this is pretty much. Oh, I thought you were making
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a punch. Yeah, with the India broth, you need to
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watch more cooking shows, Jason, so you can speak my language as well. You know, I love cooking, but I don't my mom and dad's hobby cooking. And then I worked in restaurants when I was young. Oh, yeah, you did. If I have a glance at like the ingredients, just a glance and I don't even know every one of them.