Welcome to How to Build a Sustainable Music Career and Collect All Revenue Streams! Based on Emily White's #1 Amazon best-selling book of the same name, this debut episode gives you an overview of the book and this podcast series. Emily has never seen the modern music industry presented to artists in order - from creation to execution or recording to release. Similarly, as a veteran of the industry, Emily was repeatedly finding money owed to artists. She realized that if this was happening to artists with large followings and teams in place, that it was most likely happening to countless artists. Thus, How to Build a Sustainable Music Career and Collect All Revenue Streams was born.
This podcast takes you through each chapter of Emily's book, with hand-picked guests who breathe life into each chapter's topic, taking the listener along their own journey to achieve the podcast's title. Tune in every Monday for a new episode. Next week Emily will be releasing her interview with Zoë Keating, which is the foundation of the foreword of the book, as Zoë is one of the only artists Emily has ever met that doesn't need to read this book. We hope you enjoy and look forward to experiencing this odyssey with you!
Questions? Reach out to @EmWizzle on Twitter.
Book this podcast was based on (Second Edition): 10% off w/ code PODCAST
Email List to be directly contacted when S2 & the book's next edition drops: https://bit.ly/SustainableList
Creator, Executive Producer, Producer, & Host: Emily White
Engineer: Nathan Cain
Music: Matthew Wang
Sponsorship: info@c-ent.com
Graphics: Neelu Mohaghegh