Episode 40 is with Anu Khan, Founder and Executive Director at Carbon Removal Standards Initiative
Anu founded the Carbon Removal Standards Initiative or CRSI in early 2024 while an Entrepreneur in Residence at Carbon180. She previously led the Science & Innovation team at Carbon180 where her work focused on measurement, reporting, and verification (or MRV) as a crucial level for building a just, equitable, and highly accountable carbon removal (or CDR) sector. Prior to Carbon180, Anu worked in climate philanthropy at Founders Pledge. Her academic background is in electrochemistry and materials science.
CRSI is a new nonprofit initiative that provides technical assistance and capacity building for carbon removal policy, focused specifically on carbon quantification. As a nonprofit, CRSI is able to provide financially unconflicted information to policymakers, regulators, and other NGOs working in CDR, decoupled from the sale of carbon credits or the growth of carbon markets.
In this episode, Na’im and Anu discuss:
* The Carbon Removal Standards Initiative (CRSI);
* the importance of Measurement, Reporting, and Verification (MRV) in ensuring justice and accountability;
* efforts to provide technically unconflicted information to policymakers and regulators;
* bridging gaps in carbon quantification standards and build industry trust; and
* the need for robust and scientifically sound standards tailored to various industries and jurisdictions.
Relevant Links:
* Carbon Removal Standards Initiative - Website
* High Accountability MRV (2024) - Carbon180
* CRSI Quantification Resource Database
* Quantification Beyond Crediting (Blog) - CRSI
This episode was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Consecon Foundation.
This episode was created and published by Na’im Merchant. Episode production and content support provided by Tank Chen.
Na’im Merchant is the co-founder and Executive Director of Carbon Removal Canada, a policy initiative focused on scaling carbon removal in Canada. He is also a policy fellow with Elemental Excelerator. He previously ran carbon removal consulting practice Carbon Curve, and publishes The Carbon Curve newsletter and podcast. Every two weeks, Na’im will release a short interview with individuals advancing the policies, technologies, and collective action needed to scale up carbon removal around the world.
Tank Chen is a carbon removal advocate based in Taiwan whose focus is on communicating the importance of carbon removal to policy makers, corporate leaders, and the broader public through education, communications, and policy advocacy.
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