Our guest today is Kate Leo, a consultant & coach for product teams at both disruptive startups and Fortune 500 companies whose 25 year career has included product leadership roles at Yahoo and Moo.com. She’s also written a book on hiring product managers based on “EQ”.
In this episode, we dive deep into Kate’s journey from a product manager, to head of product, to a consultant and then a coach, and the most important lessons she learned along the way.
She shares her thoughts on the importance of understanding the emotional and human side of work, recognizing and overcoming imposter syndrome, and how to approach “change” in a team or across an entire organization by identifying “micro risks”.
Connect with Kate on LinkedIn here: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kateleto/ or on Twitter: @kleto
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Things you’ll learn in this episode:
How to identify and overcome your “limiting beliefs”
A systematic approach to creating change with mini-experiments
The meaning of ‘human skills’ why they’re more important than technical skills