This episode's conversation with Andy Gillham, Ph.D., performance psychology coach at Sanford Sports, covers a number of topics related to applied and clinical performance psychology, including:
- The differences between applied and clinicial performance psychology, including key training differences in the two disciplices and what populations benefit from each,
- Mental health challenges in today's youth and adolescent athletes, and how parents and coaches can help,
- Six (6) ways for sports mental health professionals to work with young athletes and their parents/guardians.
Bio: Dr. Gillham works primarily with coaches and athletic administrators on improving systematic coach evaluation and provides targeted professional development opportunities for coaches and programs. He has helped athletes and coaches ranging from youth through professional, as well as administrators and business executives in Canada and the United States to improve their performance. In addition to his applied work, Dr. Gillham has published more than 40 articles in peer-reviewed academic journals on performance psychology.
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