WLRN's Thistle Pettersen was able to capture an interview with award winning poet and writer, Dominique Christina, to ask her for her take on the feminist movement and #SayHerName.
Dominique Christina has performed and conducted workshops for hundreds of colleges/universities, schools, community art spaces, nonprofit organizations, and conferences across the country. She has opened for Cornel West, appeared in Season 3 of Verses and Flow on TV One, performed for the Trayvon Martin and Emmett Till families at the Shiloh Baptist Church, and was a keynote speaker at the Emerging Women Conference, TedxMSU Denver, the LOHAS Conference, and was invited to China to perform her poetry in Chengdu. Dominique’s fourth manuscript “Anarcha Speaks” won the National Poetry Series 2017 Competition and was published Fall 2018 by Beacon Press.
Learn more at http://www.dominiquechristina.com/
CORRECTION: WLRN apologizes to Kara Dansky and WoLF for misquoting her saying "WoLF is trying to recruit black women" when what Ms. Dansky said is below:
February 1st Question from the audience at WoLF's Fighting the New Misogyny public speaking event in Seattle:
"Hi Women. Thank you for being here. So, I have a question but there are also some comments mixed in there as well. Many black women and women of color are in the same boat as myself. We feel isolated, as if we don’t have a place in this current feminist movement, particularly the radical feminist movement because it is still very white-centered so I would like to know what effort, what WoLF is doing to carve out space at the table for women of color to take a seat because with the exception of Saba, race hasn’t been mentioned by the other speakers and for me this is one of the biggest roadblocks for interracial movement building among women." (Applause)
Kara Dansky:
"I mean, it’s a great question and it’s been a problem for a really long time that the concerns that you raised have been raised many times not just with WoLF but with a lot of primarily white led feminist organizations and WoLF is absolutely committed to dismantling all systems of oppression and power including the oppression of racism and I know that in feminist spaces that I have been in there’s a lot more work to do and WoLF is talking about these things on a regular basis and how we can be better and how we can do better and I just want to acknowledge that it is a really important problem and that we are not shying away from it so I appreciate you bringing it into this space." (Applause)