“Teacher’ sounds like you’re supposed to teach when you actually need to lead the learning. Sometimes, we lead the learning by teaching, but there are more ways to lead learning other than teaching.”
- Lee Jenkins
Lee Jenkins joins me today to discuss how schools are failing our kids and what can be done to bring joy back to learning. He explains what the Jenkins Curve is and describes how schools tend to use data to compare and shame children.
Lee discusses how schools can leverage data and assessments to keep children curious and motivated to learn. Lee also highlights how we can teach children to be good losers and good winners through sports and athleticism and underscores why teachers are leaders.
This week on The Mindset Zone:
The need to amplify possibilities for today’s children
The Jenkins Curve and the shortcomings of the modern school system
Bringing psychology into our classrooms and our educational system
How the educational system is killing children’s love of learning
Using data and student assessment to bring joy
The bell curve assessment
Distinguishing between essential and trivial knowledge
Creating lifelong learners
How schools are adopting Lee’s new approaches to education
Teaching children how to be good losers and winners
Resources Mentioned:
Book: Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Carol S. S. Dweck
Dr. Lyle Lee Jenkins is an author, speaker, consultant, and recognized expert in improving educational outcomes. Over the last 50 years, Lee has been learning from world-class experts while working as a teacher, principal, school superintendent, and university professor. Lee founded LtoJ LLC in 2003, inspired by his mission to ensure that every child has an educational experience that promotes and encourages the natural love of learning they were born with—while exceeding educational goals. He holds a Bachelor of Arts from Point Loma Nazarene University, a Master’s in Education from San Jose State University, and a Ph.D. from the Claremont Graduate University.
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