We're big fans of Tina Turner; what can we say? This week, we're talking about how to secure your email account. First, by using a hardware authentication device like a Yubikey (or Google's Titan Key if you prefer.)
We also talk about utilizing Google's Advance Threat Protection Program for Gmail users who want additional security.
A pretty straightforward episode this week, but no less an important one, so don't miss it!
Resources Mentioned In Today’s Show
Yubikey (For Apple customers, read this: "Security Keys are the Best Way to Protect Your Apple ID")
Google's Advance Threat Protection Program
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In this confidential, one on one call (conducted through Signal), BJ will walk you through all 23 steps that you should follow to better protect yourself from fascists and weirdos on the Internet. Then, a week later, he will follow up to answer any questions you might have and troubleshoot if/as needed.
Episode photo provided by Ekaterina Belinskaya.