We often hear the term “naive optimism,” but the fact is, most of us are living in “naive cynicism.” Dr. Jamil Zaki joins the show today to explain why cynicism harms our well-being and businesses. He also gives us ways to combat it.
Dr. Jamil Zaki is the Director of the Stanford Social Neuroscience Lab. He has gathered his latest research in a new book, “Hope for Cynics: The Surprising Science of Human Goodness.”
He walks us through the difference between healthy skepticism and cynicism, why businesses function better when cynicism is directly addressed, and the power of hope.
If you’ve noticed cynicism in your organization, loved ones, or yourself, this episode will give you tools to overcome it.
If you're a bold risk taker who wants to dream big and achieve a higher level of success in your life or business, visit the1thing.com.
To learn more, and for the complete show notes, visit: the1thing.com/pods.
We talk about:
- The problems that cynicism causes
- Why hopeful skepticism is the antidote to cynicism
- How to reverse organizational and interpersonal cynicism
Links & Tools from This Episode:
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