Nadia Bolz-Weber is back on the show!
This episode was actually recorded in the summer of 2020, however we couldn't track down the file. FOUND IT! And it is packed. Suzanne and Nadia talk about Grace and Compassion, her latest book Shameless and her podcast The Confessional, and more.
Hopefully you see that little E out by the side of the show. If you are uncomfortable with a few "explicit" words, please skip this episode, and come back for the next.
You can find more about Nadia, her podcast and all that she is doing, including her online publication, The Corners at
You can also find more info and registration for online teaching event with Suzanne, Grieving and the Enneagram, on Feb. 26-27 2021 at
Aaaaand LTM hopes you can join Rev. Joe and Suzanne for their video series on Lent! That can also be found on the LTM website.
If you have questions about the podcast, Suzanne and her work, or Life In The Trinity Ministry, leave them here!