This week I talk about how instructionals can help you reach new levels in Jiu Jitsu. I discuss what instructionals to watch, study methods, and creating a routine. A kaizen mindset is the key to pushing yourself to the next level and avoiding plateaus. Enjoy the show and get studying!
The Value Of Instructionals
-Instructionals provide context, mechanics, strategy, and insight to JJ techniques
-JJ is an arms race and a game of systems
-Every practitioner can benefit from instructionals
-Mental studying is heavily underutilized
-Supplement physical training with mental training
-Studying is great for injured athletes
-Not all instructionals are created equal
-Don't rely on your coach to teach you everything
What Content To Absorb
- Mental training is an investment (as is injury prevention)
-Free content (YouTube/Instagram)
-Online academies
-Study and emulate the best coaches and competitors
-Study instructors you enjoy watching
-Study to your strengths and weaknesses
-Integrate techniques that work well for your body type
-Follow current trends
-Study what works in high level competition
-Avoid techniques you have never seen work in live scenarios
-Try to discern what is effective and ineffective
-Study the main rule sets of Jiu Jitsu
For Coaches
-Not every student learns the same way
-Information must be accurately taken in, systemized, and passed effectively to students
-Lessons must be planned with the ability of the student in mind; kids, beginners, advanced, competitors, etc.
-Prioritize true understanding of information instead of regurgitation
-Game-based teaching methods are great for improving Jiu Jitsu in a short amount of time (Greg Souders ecological approach)
-Prioritize the tactics, mechanics, and strategy for any technique
-Encourage kaizen mindset
Making Time For Study
-Create a routine based around good habits
-Consistency creates results over time
-Create time for mental training
-Everyone should be able to find 10 minutes a day to study; find pockets of time
-Every instructor or coach should study new material
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Instagram: @theessentialjiujitsupodcast
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Zara Can Do Jiu Jitsu!