Are you into group sex? Are you having regular threesomes? Is your girlfriend involved in a secret relationship you just can’t compete with? You may be a cuckold to your partner’s vibrator.
In this episode:
- Relationship crutches
- The problem with vibrators
- Are you a cuck?
- If you’re having sex and you need to reach for your vibrator to “finish the job”, this is what you need to do
- Why do all the lesbian "sexperts" deny the existence of vaginal orgasms?
- How to bring a vagina back to life
- Building trust and intimacy
- We want it primal and messy yo
- The only time I ever recommend using a vibrator
For the ultimate on vaginal self-knowledge, check out my Vaginal Kung Fu Salon.
And, to deepen your intimate connection and truly come together, check out my Coming Together for Couples Salon.
You can find information on both of these, plus free video preview series with exercises you can practice tonight:
You’ll see my full array of offerings in the sex school everyone ought to have had.