Vladimir Putin launched his invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Within hours, the U.S. and allies coordinated a shadow-war – using the tools of economic statecraft – to bring the heat down on Moscow. That shadow-war is the subject of this week's conversation featuring Stephanie Baker, veteran Bloomberg journalist and Russia expert, as she talks about this economic war, how it was coordinated, how it was executed, and how it has continually impacted the Russian economy and politics. Stephanie and A'ndre talk through what economic warfare actually is and how those tools were leveraged in the years preceding the War in Ukraine, and to what effect. Stephanie also provides a broad overview of what the state of the Russian economy is in 2024, and responds to criticisms that some have over sanctions. We close out the conversation with an outlook on what a potential Harris or second Trump administration may do.
You can pre-order Stephanie's new book, Punishing Putin, here: https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1668050587?tag=simonsayscom